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Saturday 8 March 2014

Dry Spells in Singapore

        Image source: http://ttnewsflash.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/heavy-rainfall2-300x200.jpg

Given last year's wet spells and the Asean's humid version of a Wet Winter, I had wondered if this was the new weather pattern no thanks to the effects of global warming and other environmental issues.

It was rather bad, actually, imagine consecutive days and weeks of rain - quick splashes of water from the skies that lasted only for a few minute a day, and then long, weeping showers that sometimes came accompanied with the assault of chilly, howling gusts of wind.

It was also then we decided that preparation was imperative - and stocked up on umbrellas (long ones, for big rain, short / foldable ones for prevention, and patterned ones for outings), raincoats for those who are cycling or riding bikes, and warmer clothings for the chilly weather.

Households-wise, dryers were installed (for those whose washing machines do not have that function) so that clothes could dry in the wet weather, and without Sun's scorching touch), and the water heaters were installed (for those who did not already have one).

For a while, I had wondered if we were going to be blessed with cool climate that our fellow Asian counterparts, Hong Kong and Taiwan get to enjoy. I wouldn't mind, seriously, for I love cool weather anytime. In fact, I think rain is enchanting and beauteous as well - oh well, as long as I remain indoors and am not caught in it - ideal for snuggling down in thick comforters, listening to soothing music and reading a book or magazine over a glass of wine / hot-mulled Cider.

        Image source: http://viewallpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Hot-Weather-Wallpaper-1024x683.jpg

Before we could get used to the cooler, wetter weather, though, the climate suddenly took a 180 degree turn and transformed into a period of droughts and rain-less mirth. It hasnt rained for, what, more than a month?

Suddenly, shoes were no longer soaking wet when we returned home, and we had to ditch the sweaters for loose-fitting, sleeveless tank tops. Either that, or return from outdoors with wet, sweaty underarms and backs, fervently seeking the relief of cool, air-conditioned buildings.

It had been a rather sudden realization for me, though for some others, the realization had been gradual.

The vast stretches of plants lining the roads to bring coolness and fresh oxygen to the country are starting to turn yellow. Worse, some of them are so parched they start to burst into flames, reminding me of how people in the olden times used to start fires with nothing but rocks and dried leaves.

Water bodies are slowly decreasing in volumes and drying up, and there are even rumors that we may need to start a water-rationing system soon. I sure hope that we do not have to resort to that, because I have been too used to, and pampered to the easy convenience of water flowing from taps and showerheads the moment I flip the faucet tab.

People are also falling sick no thanks to the parched weather - skin starts to itch because of the humidity and perspiration; either that, or people are getting sore throats, mouth ulcers, fever etc. Coupled with the Haze that chose this time to visit, oh well, let's just say that this spells double trouble.

Hence, stay indoors more often if possible. Mask up, and turn on the air purifiers. Drink lots of water and juices and herbal teas. Refrain from consuming much heaty food-stuff. If need to exercise or remain outdoors for long periods of time, consume lots of liquids, and cool one's body down by tapping cool water onto forehead, forearms and neck as and when possible.

The weather is so unpredictable these days, it is worrying. People of the past did not listen to warnings about global warming, so now we are seeing extreme cold waters in some areas, icebergs melting thus endangering lives of polar bears and penguins and rising sea levels. Hot countries like Vietnam and Thailand are starting to snow or become so cold that people literally froze to death.

Pray tell, what is the world coming to, and what should we do to rectify the harm we did to Mother Earth?

No part of this may be republished without the writer's permission. Copyright  ©  Thearcticstar. All rights reserved.

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