In my last entry - the first chapter of The Mommyhood Series (read more
here), I talked about how we discovered we were expecting a baby girl.
My visit to the Gynaecologist's confirmed my pregnancy, and baby was 12 weeks' old by then. We were to have an Autumn baby; how exciting!
I saw Dr. Paul Tseng first, but later switched to Dr. W. H. Kee. During each visit, he would monitor my weight and blood pressure, do the necessary scans so we could see that Baby was healthy; and share stories as well as advice on what to expect during each stage. From 20th week onwards, I also had to do urine tests during each visit.
I could say I breezed by my first trimester since it was already over, and I didn't feel anything. Or rather, whatever uneasiness I felt were linked to my hectic schedule during the past 3 months (recap for those who didn't get to read my past entries- I was taking the property exams, shifting house and went Melbourne for 2 weeks back-to-back).
I didn't have much cravings for food; I think I had more cravings before pregnancy, Haha. I still enjoyed cakes and pastries a lot, just like pre-pregnancy days.
I also had to consume at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluids a day. Ideally, these fluids could be plain water; but if that's not possible - soups, caffeine free tea, juices, water-rich fruits etc all contribute to our liquids intake.
Tendency to feel more bloated was normal. I abstained from most carbonated drinks. Weight continued to increase by 1-2 kg a month (my own weight + baby's weight + water bag).
I was also advised to exercise at least 3 times a week - mainly walking and swimming. I could do Pre-natal Yoga but it seemed I could never find time for it.
Oh also, there's this saying about looking at photos of beautiful happy babies often, so that your baby would turn out this way, hopefully. Lol- so just toss genes out of then window and stare away at these pictures. They are cute to look at, anyway.
Talk to baby too! Educate it in its early stages by exposing it to nice music and your voice. You'll be surprised how it could actually understand, and absorb.
Second trimester was a little more challenging. I was adverse to a lot of smells, including skincare products that contain floral scents, chemicals, smell too creamy etc; I also grew adverse towards smells of my antibacterial hand-wash and washing detergents etc. Everything made me nauseous but the worst thing was that I couldn't throw up; they stayed inside me to haunt me, resulting in stuffiness around my chest area and headaches.
Also, I needed to look through the list of ingredients that went into the various skincare products, to ensure that they don't contain lead, butyl, propyl, paraben, sulfate, retinol, etc. I had to stop using anything that contained one of the supposedly-harmful ingredients.
I spent a bomb replacing skincare products - because I was adverse even to some of those organic / natural products. There was a lot of trial and error. I even grew sick of my usual toothpaste!
And yes, I still used makeup during the course of my pregnancy because I believe there was no reason for me to become unattractive just because I was pregnant (light makeup is also considered a form of respect/ courtesy for clients in the business world).
I had to see the gynae on a monthly basis. On the 12th week, a series of tests were done on me - mainly health and blood tests. Mainly HIV and diabetic related. Remember that many women become diabetic during their pregnancy, or developed pre-clampsia (high blood pressure).
During the 20th week, we did the Chromosome Test to ascertain that Baby did not have any birth disorders or something like that. We also found out the gender by then - it was going to be a Baby Girl.
Body heat was another killer for me - I was constantly feeling so hot, I think it attributed to my headaches, need to defecate more than once a day, and even nausea. I needed the air-conditioner to sleep nightly too.
We started looking out for Baby Insurance, comparing quotes and coverage from different insurers. We settled on a certain established company that offered a comprehensive policy with competitive rates, covering an additional 22 baby illnesses, and has a beautiful facility for Mommy and baby to use for various activities. Insurance is very important- you never know what happens in life.
Shopping for clothes was an adventure as the belly grew larger and larger and dresses became shorter and tighter. I bought loose fitting clothes that I was confident of wearing even post-pregnancy.
By 26th week, the Baby's kicks should be more prominent and frequent. From here onwards, monitor their movements and ensure they are active. There are various methods to monitor and count their kicks - do some research on it.
They say this is this trimester where hormones run the wildest but I think I was fine. I felt that my temperament was worse during the first 2 trimesters, mainly due to the discomfort I felt.
Having insomniac nights or waking up in the middle of the nights was common. It upset me, but did not cause me very much discomfort in the daytime.
Diet-wise, I cut back on carbohydrates because by the end of the full term I gained 20 kilograms. My Gynae had wanted me to gain about a kilo a month so by his standard i was severely overweight. Other than that, I had a lot of fruit and proteins in my meals.
We should be attending some parental courses but never seemed to find time. Friends passed me some good books to read but I could not get started on them as well.
Google became my best friend. I found myself constantly searching for "
can pregnant women do / eat / drink xxxxx?"
Physically, the giddiness and adverse to scents lessened, but not completely.
My skin started to become more sensitive and itchy, especially the skin on my legs and ankles. I was fortunate that my face was fine - I didn't have super oily skin nor pimples popping all over.
My feet and legs became very swollen; shoes had to be expanded. I loved the 2 pairs of Ecco shoes I got as they were comfortable and looked good. Fortunately I did not have cramps which could be really painful. I did experience numbness in my hands and fingers frequently though.
I became heavier and clumsier. Certain chores that could be done in 5 minutes; I needed 10 minutes by now. I could not bend down or bend over. Getting out of bed required a lot of efforts.
Despite my heavy weight and I was close to my Estimated Delivery Date ("EDD"), I was still actively going around appointments and events. 6 days before the actual EDD, I could still find a nice evening gown to wear for a gala event (see picture at top of post).
Gynae visits became a weekly affair by now.
By last few weeks we should start feeling contractions in the womb. The initial contractions would be so mild, we'd often confuse it with Baby's kicking. Then they get more intense. Doctor advised keeping in my bag a change of clothes, disposable underwear, maternity pads and a disposable sheet in case water bag burst while I was out.
We were also advised to pack the Hospital Bag and put it in the car, to prepare for Baby's arrival anytime. The bag should include supplies I would need for hospital stay, clothes for Baby, etc.
Emotionally, oh well, keeping busy is vital. It adds meaning to life and prevents us from over-thinking. I did have my moments of paranoia fearing that my hubby might have another hunny- so trust and communication are very important.
By now you would also realise that everyone around you is dishing out advice on what to do and what not to do during pregnancy. I dislike especially the superstitious advice that have no basis - I walked around a funeral parlour pretty often lol. It's all in the mind and heart. Everyone means well, but take all advice with a pinch of salt. Someone would tell you to take more bird's nest whereas another would ask you to abstain from it. Let's just say that each mother's body and baby's body are different; take everything in moderation.
Don't give yourself too much stress. The way we feel affects our babies greatly. Enjoy the pregnancy journey while it lasts.
My next chapter of The Mommyhood Series would focus on Prenatal Massage and Facial by SchoeMama @ Takashimaya. Keep a close lookout for it.
The House-Hunting Series
The Honeymoon Series
The Nuptial Series
The Mommyhood Series (i) - Receiving The News