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Tuesday 21 March 2017

Review on Tokyo Bust Express @ Somerset (Sponsored)

123 Penang Road, #07-13 Regency House, Singapore 238464
Tel: 6262 6161

Frustrated by the noticeable decrease in what used to be an impressive bustline, I was delighted when I was invited for a session at Tokyo Bust Express for various options of chest enhancement or protection.

The interior was a princess' dream - all pale pink, feminine and flowery. The consultants were chatty and very pushy, even teaming up to attempt upselling despite the fact that this was a sponsored session. Nonetheless, the experience was enjoyable enough.

So the usual happened - filling out of declaration forms and a brief introduction about the various treatments, the assurance of lasting, effective results through the use of natural ingredients, and understanding of our lifestyle. Then my attending consultant went on to explain that they use methods to enhance our mammal glands which in turn helps in increasing the size of the female feeding organ.

I was pleasantly surprised to know that Tokyo Bust Express is not all about making your breasts fuller, or making your bosom bigger. They have 3 options to choose from - enhancement (bigger cup size), firming, and prevention of breast cancer.

I chose the former. While they assured me that results would definitely be shown, they also kept stepping on their own toes by informing me that results would not be prominent, that I could top up for other treatments that would show more results during this first session. Anyway, we began treatment (photos restricted due to the regions being treated).

I changed into a black kimono and my consultant came in to take some measurements. Then I lay down and she did a light massage followed by cold transparent gel cream, which she rubbed over with heated pads.

Then another layer of cool colorless gel cream wae slathered over my chest. A machine was rolled in. My consultant strapped 2 deep green cups over my chest after fastening a strap across. I was left alone for a blessed 20 to 30 minutes to rest. The machine was peaceful, no noise or vibrations, no movement or heat at all.

Finally, a layer of pink gel cream was spread over my bosom region. This cold gel cream was soothing and had a really beautiful scent, like watermelon. I rested for another 20 minutes before a hard massage, tucking in the folds of fats around the breasts.

My consultant did not really explain in depth what each step was. All I remember was that one boosted the massage, one enlarged the glands and one was for detox.

Another round of measurement was taken, with light results attained.

Overall, the session itself was painless and enjoyable. Thank you Tokyo Bust Express firor the boost of confidence!

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